团号: SPA7
£434.00(成人 / Adult sharing in twin or triple room)
£ 391.00(小童 / Child 2A1C with bed , below 12 years sharing in twin room with 2 adults, child with roll away bed)
£ 217.00(小童 / Child 2A1C no bed , below 12 years sharing in twin room with 2 adults, child without bed & breakfast)
2017 Tour departure date(出团日期 ):April 01, 22 (4月1日; 4月28日)
May 06, 13, 20 (5月6日; 5月13日; 5月20日)
June 03, 10, 24 (6月3日; 6月10日; 6月24日)
July 08, 15, 22, 29 (7月8日; 7月15日; 7月22日; 7月29日)
August 05, 12, 19, 26 (8月5日; 8月12日; 8月19日; 8月26日)
September 02, 23, 30 (9月2日; 9月23日; 9月30日)
October 07, 21, 28 (10月7日; 10月21日; 10月28日)
November 18 (11月18日)
December 30 (12月30日)
集合伦敦上车地点,英国专车前往肯德布里郊区,从多佛码头,乘搭铁航渡轮横跨英伦海峡。抵达法国卡莱港,您的长途专车恭候多时,奔向花花世界「巴黎」。在所有欧洲国家首都当中,巴黎无疑是最光彩夺目的城市。无论建筑、美食、高级服装、文物遗产及社交活动等等,都给人们无上的满足感。白天和夜晚的巴黎,叛若两城。白天的她,宛如纯真的少女,清秀淑雅。每当华灯初上,她就摇身蜕变成一位雍容华贵的少妇,浓装打扮,妖艳风骚。何妨不自费游览塞纳河,让你的法国罗曼史掀开序幕? 「自理膳食」
Day 1 London - Calais – Paris Marne la Valley (480 km)
At our designated tour assembly point, meet our tour managerand prepare for boarding. Soon, it is southward we go, towards the port of Dover where P/O Ferry will bring us across the English channel to France. Continue the journey to the thrill of the SIN capital Paris. Why not hop on an evening optional trip, cruising the Seine so as to soak up the fragrance of the city?
第二天 巴黎巡览、凡尔赛宫、罗浮宫自费项目(150公里)
Day 2 Paris tour /Louvre and Versailles optional
After breakfast, our trusty coach is ready to show you first hand the most glamorous cities in the world. We see Notre Dame, one of the most beautiful churches in the world and a masterpiece of medieval art. The Arc de Triomphe, Champs-Elys'ees, Place de la Concorde, Trocadero Gardens, the Opera House and the Grande Dame of Paris - Eiffel. We shall also stop by the Golden Gate of Versailles Palace for your visiting pleasure on your own later in the morning. Entrance fee payable at the gate (Versailles closes on Mondays). The opulent palace first built in 1623, by Louise XIII - father of Louis XIV as his 'hunting lodge. The young king liked it so much that he soon had it enlarged. Today, one could view the splendour of about 20 apartments, such as the Queen's Bedchamber; the Hall of Mirrors; the king's 'Grand Apartment; the War and Peace room; the Chapel and more. Indeed it expresses the extravagant lifestyle of the French court at its height. Later a 2 hour visit to the Louvre (purchase your own ticket closes on Tuesday). Once the residence of the Royals, it is now the largest museum of antiquity in the world. Pick the cream of the exhibits in your whirlwind dash through the endless corridors and galleries, simply pick the musts see 3 ladies: the Venus de milo; the Wingless Victory of Samothrace ; and the world famous smiling lady “Mona Lisa” of course.We may still find time to visit the Galleries lafayatte department store for some fine shopping. Indeed this world class city has immense possibilities to fulfil all taste and desire! You only need to choose wisely.
3)著名的「酩悦」香槟酒窖(Moët &Chandon)、了解制作过程兼品尝风格独特的法国金色香槟饮料。
Day 3 Paris free day - Paris at leisure
You willsimply loveit today as we provide you the liberty to do exactly what you wish at your own free will.
A full day free at leisure.
Here are also some of our suggestion:
Marne la Vallee Factory Outlet
It is the day you have been waiting for, as we come to the French own factory outlet in La Vallée Village. You’ll have the entire afternoon to explore more than 100 boutiques of high-end French and international brands at this open-air outlet mall, set in the lovely Parisian countryside near Disneyland® Paris. Stroll down the picturesque streets and stop to browse luxury wares at shops including Baccarat, Jimmy Choo, Givenchy, Calvin Klein, Armani, Salvatore Ferragamo, Coach, Michael Kors and Versace. Find previous collections from top designers at discounts of over 33%.
Disneyland or Champagne country / Loire valley or Fontainebleau CastleFor those who are less into shopping but sightsee, you may wish to visit Disneyland Paris…Or go to the visit the House of Moet &Chandon in the Champagne district or visit Loire Valley some 250KM south to visit the castles region, where French kings and aristocrats once lived in lap of luxury.Or visit the Fontainebleau, a lovely historical town south of Paris, France (55.5 km). It is renowned for its historical Château de Fontainebleau of the kings of France, which attracts crowds of tourists. Better yet, should you have friends living in France, they may even suggest driving you to the Loire Valley with a castle galore to explore the entire day.The choice is endless, but your tour manager will have the best solution.
Day 4 Paris / Reims / Luxembourg / Bitburg (450 KM)
Ashort drive to Reims this morning; the French city with monuments which UNESCO listed as World Heritage, it is also the most famous town of the Champagne region. Stop to stroll to the famous Cathedral of Notre Dame in Reims, a masterpiece of Gothic art, the Cathedral of Our Lady was started in 1211. It was the cathedral of coronations for French kings in memory of the baptism of Clovis by Saint Remi, probably on Christmas Day 498. The left portal on the west front carries the famous Smiling Angel statue. This massive gothic structure is famous for being the coronation place of French kings and stands as a superb example of 13th century gothic architecture. The cathedral square is lovely and a pleasure to wander around with plenty of souvenir shops. Reims is also “bubbly”, by this we mean, the drinkable golden liquid –“Champagne” of course. There are numerous champagne cellars and stores, each one are usually family run business; with their blend of unique concoction. Continue northwards, we enter Luxembourg; another highlight of the day. It is a Grand - duchy, an independent country with the capital city that bears the same name - Luxembourg City. It occupies a dramatic and commanding site on a high bluff above the narrow valleys of the Alzette and the Petrusse. We drop off at Place Liberte, see the bridges span across river Alzette, then to Notre Dame Cathedral, Hotel de Ville, Dukes Palace and Place Guillaume lined with many side walk cafés and restaurants.This evening we come to Bitburg in Germany.
(Continental Breakfast)
Day 5 Bitburg / Trier / Koln / Holland (420 km)
A short trip into Trier, the Roman city at the time of Augustus in 17BC. There are still is an abundant of Roman traces about; starting from the walk through the Port Nigra and its city wall, the streets are all laid out in grit form, a typical system perfected by the Romans. Appreciate the commentary made by your professional tour manager on all you wish to know about Trier’s Cathedral; the Basilica, the Imperial Baths and the Forum, indeed this city is undoubtedly one of the finest in Roman remains outside Italy. Here is also home of the great philosopher Karl Marx. You may wish to enter into his house of Marx (ticket at the gate); it is a museum that attracts countless international visitors annually. Soon, enjoy German typical structured villages and vineyards on the hillside, as we skim alongside the Rhine river picturesque setting that is simply too beautiful to ignore! Before you know, the twin towers of the imposing Dom sprung into view, piercing the greyish skyline of Koln. This is also a witness to Germany’s 800 years of ancient Roman historical heritage. This evening, we come into the lowland country of Holland. (Continental Breakfast)
早餐后,进入风车跟郁金香之国~荷兰。首都「阿姆斯特丹」,参观市容各处。阿姆斯特丹不愧为北方威尼斯,运河小桥四处可见。来往电车、自行车、上班一族行色急促,又是一天干活的节奏。随领队参观这富有朝气的首都,看民族广场、新教堂、皇宫前的商业楼房、以及独特的中央车站等。在此自由活动时间,不妨自费参加到北部的风车民房村,同时可以一睹木屐工厂、荷兰著名乳酪制造、风车操作等等。全国最重要外汇来源:钻石切割磨练,历史悠久,就连英女皇之皇冠宝石也是出自荷兰钻石大师之手,可见声誉不凡。「加闪」钻石厂戒备森严,前往参观,听讲解员介绍并有机会选购纪念品。接着乘搭玻璃顶游艇,穿梭首都数条运河,参观两边的古老十七世纪楼房最佳方式。尽兴而返。 「欧陆式早餐」
Day 6 Full day Holland orientation(200 km)
An exciting day ahead as we tourNetherland, the “Pan-cake country”. Visit her youthful city Amsterdam. Stroll through Dam square to see The New Church; the Royal Palace and along the canal-laced city of Amsterdam. During free time, you may visit the Sailor quarter and Amsterdam China town.
Check out with the tour manager for some afternoon optional activities, why not purchase ticket for an informative cruise on a glass-domed boat, to cruise alongside the 16-17 century merchant houses, and visit a diamond house ,see how raw stones are polished into sparkling gems, the skills on which so much of the prosperity of Holland depends.Or take on a trip to Zaanschannes Windmill farm; here one finds the cottage industries of Clog making, to learn and be amazed by the vast information you shall gain simply just going through the demonstration on site. Within the compound are thatched windmills, cheese making; bakery; clock museum etc. The setting is perfect as it presents quintessentially, a backdrop of the Dutch countryside. Where in Europe could you straddle a dyke, witnessing the river water level that is obviously higher than the land on its left! Most intriguing!
(Continental Breakfast)
今天尾声之亮点便是鼎鼎有名的比利时首都「布鲁塞尔」。上午我们南下路途便有机会作市容巡览。观光包括不可错过的:原子塔、冬季皇宫、中国庭、皇族御花园、市政楼大广场、马尼坎比斯小铜像、政卷交易所等。在市区中心还有一些时候让您购买当地著名的巧克力、糖果、民族工艺花边刺绣、挂毯或您久闻多时的比利时啤酒,超过三百品味,不妨到酒库尝一尝。我们下午跨越英伦海峡,傍晚后在伦敦散团,旅程结束。 「欧陆式早餐」
Day 7 Holland / Brussels / Calais / London (250 km)
Our last but not least trip with our tour manager this morning is Belgium’s capital - Brussels. The city and its surrounding has much to offer for lovely picture stops: the awe inspiring Atomium, The intricate and unique Chinese Pavilion; the Japanese Pagoda; the most beautiful squares of the 17C - Grand Place; and of course the little Belgium hero who saved the city from destruction “MannikinPis”; by the old Stock Exchange and main street, you have time to enjoy the shopping for Chocolate; Sweets; Laces; or local beer of 300 and more flavours before our final English Channel ferry brings us back to London by the late evening.
(Continental Breakfast)