(团号:LTL ) - 2017
£715.00(成人 / Adult sharing in twin or triple room)
£644.00(小童 / Child 2A1C with bed , below 12 years sharing in twin room with 2 adults, child with roll away bed)
£358.00(小童 / Child 2A1C no bed , below 12 years sharing in twin room with 2 adults, child without bed & breakfast)
自费项目 不含其他可选自费项目。
小费 每人每天5欧元的小费。
团餐 只含早餐
2017 Tour departure date(出团日期 ):March 24 (3月24日)
April 14, 28 (4月14; 4月28日)
May 05, 12, 26 (5月57日; 5月12日; 5月26日)June 02, 16, 30 (6月2日; 6月16日; 6月30日)
July 07, 14, 21, 28 (7月7日; 7月14日; 7月21日; 7月28日)
August 04, 11, 18, 25 (8月4日; 8月11日; 8月18日; 8月25日)
September 15, 22, 29 (9月15日; 9月22日; 9月29日)
October 13, 20 (10月13日; 10月20日)
November 10 (11月10日)
December 22 (12月22日)
Day 1 London - Calais – Paris Marne la Valley ( 480 km)
At our designated tour assembly point, meet our tour managerand prepare for boarding. Soon, it is southward we go, towards the port of Dover where P/O Ferry will bring us across the English channel to France. Continue the journey to the thrill of the SIN capital Paris. Why not hop on an evening optional trip, cruising the Seine so as to soak up the fragrance of the city?
(Meal on own)
依依不舍,离开花都。南下进入「勃艮地」地带。喜欢喝一杯法国红、白葡萄酒的团员将不会对此地区感到陌生,因为法国盛产名酒就出于此郡。难怪名字都与法国名酒相似,令人回味。沿途的村落原野如:Dijon ;Auxerre; Beaune; Avalon; 等等,不时漠然耸立教堂尖顶钟塔,或覆盖浓密森林。时而经过险滩多的川江,湍急山水冲击著狭窄峡谷,提供上乘的垂钓和划独木舟等户外活动。时而见山峦起伏,溪流淙淙,庄稼院子里睡意绵绵,让您感觉得到欧洲乡下人们生活缓慢的悠闲一面。我们的目的地是欧洲花园之国—瑞士。瑞士之美,非笔墨可以形容,更点不出其秀丽湖泊,或雄伟雪山的精华。无论春夏秋冬,它都有独特风範。春~~斜坡湖岸抽绿芽、夏~~乡间民村炊烟飘、秋~~古树参天红叶落、冬~~白雪皑皑真乾净。都会让各季到访远客陶醉留恋。傍晚前,来到苏黎世。瑞士的金融中心。喧哗繁忙的商业大街车水马龙,散发一股蓬勃生机的活力。在湖畔稍停,随领队游览中央火车站前一条笔直的宽阔大道。两旁尽是奢侈华丽的橱窗摆设,店铺尽是摩登时尚服装以及闪烁的名牌珠宝首饰,让人眼花缭乱。站在湖畔或河边,便能欣赏到远处苏黎世著名的古区,耸立云霄是名声远传两座古老教堂。即圣彼得和圣母大教堂醒目尖塔钟楼。傍晚下榻景色怡人的乌斯德村。
Day 2 Marne la Valley (Paris)–Zurich / Ulster village (660 km)
After breakfast, we must leave. Heading south, we pass through the region of Burgundy. Life here is lived to the full, the area is a rich and varied heritage, from Gallic remains to Romanesque towers, from the art treasures of its cities to thesplendours of its châteaux; from its early industrial memories to its most futuristic creations – all of this is there for you to see and enjoy, along the way are townships that gave French wines their names: Auxerre; Avalon; Beaune; and Dijon. Our destination today is the Switzerland, situated in the Middle of the European Central region; it is reputed to be the “Garden of Europe”. In the late afternoon, we arrive by early evening with a stop in the central of town. Dominated by the central station and stretching all the way towards the embankment of Lake Zurich is the famous Bahnhofstrasse. It is lined with the most luxurious boutiques and show rooms of scintillating jewellery. We can see the Old Town (Altstadt), and admire quaint houses and grand political centres. Capture photographs of the world’s largest clock face on St Peter’s Church, and gaze at the prismatic stained glass windows that decorate Fraumünster Church as we take this brief walking journey. Our overnight stop is Geroldswil in the Ulster Township.
(Continental Breakfast)
上午进入卢塞恩古区,该城兼有二十一世纪现代化和中世纪风格的双重特色,被誉为雪山与湖水的绝妙搭配,领队带领步行浏览:卡佩尔廊桥、洛格克形态的耶稣会教堂基督教堂。在欣赏绿波荡漾的湖当儿,山顶上古老城墙屹立、它仍然拥有数座哨兵塔。瞻仰狮子纪念碑后,您也有机会到全瑞士最著名的钟表商店,一饱购买愿望。在这里您可以选择或欣赏到地道的瑞士纪念品(如瑞士军刀/各种品牌手表/音乐盒/巧克力等)。团员梦寐以求的瑞士雪山之旅就在今朝!登上万丈瑞士高峰机会更不可错过。参加自选项目 -铁特力士山(包括交通和上山火车票费用)。此山峰在开创最新的设施,瑞士独一无二的钢索吊梯。摇摇欲坠的钢丝天桥,长长地将四方山峰联系,似乎漂入山峰间,脚下一望无际万丈深谷,引起令人不寒而栗的奇妙感觉,是最刺激神经无上活动。进入冰洞赏冰雕、租用滑雪板、滑雪圈到雪坡戏雪;渴了到餐厅喝杯热茶;饿了尝尝瑞士乳酪锅。冷了,到顶层看铁特力士周围的景色纪录片、到三楼去,穿上传统服饰拍古代人物照片、购买纪念品、山顶瑞士工艺商店里琳琅满目,一定会令你喜出望外,流连忘返。过后折返卢塞恩自由活动以及解决晚餐后,才回到酒店休息。
Day 3 Lucerne – Mt Titlis (Optional) (150 km)
Morning drive into Lucerne Township. This village is a perfect example of what Switzerland is all about. Along the shores, take in the charming sights that laced with weeping willows, graceful swans and mandarin ducks. Also the beckoning sirens from pleasure boats are here to capture your heart and to slow down your pace for a second glance. Follow your tour manager, stroll into the old town, set foot by the monuments such as the Wounded Lion, memory of the heroic death of the Swiss mercenaries at the Tuileries in 1792; The Kapellbrucke - Chapel Bridge constructed first half of the 14th century as a part of the city's fortifications, the Jesuit Church, built in 1666/67, the first and finest baroque churches in the country and finally the old wall with its medieval watch towers.
Today is also your chance to have an opportunity to visit the famous Mt. Titlis on the world's first revolving jumbo cable car, a ride to its summit at 10000 feet above sea level is exhilarating, ask your tour manager about the special cost and how you could join such a fantastic journey.
110.00 Swiss Franc; Mt Titlis cable car excursion in Switzerland with transportation and service
(Continental breakfast)
第四天 苏黎世郡、列支顿斯登公国、阿尔卑斯山路、茵斯布鲁克、维罗纳(660公里)
69.00 欧元:游客意大利城市与酒店人头税
Day4 Ulster – Vaduz – Innsbruck – Verona (660 km)
Leaving Switzerland for our next destination, as we cross the mighty Rhine, we enter yet another tiny Principality, Liechtenstein, the Country with only a dozen police work force, indicates its social harmony and security. Walk along the main street of Vaduz, its capital, you must not miss the castle perching on top of the hill where the Royal Family still resides. There is the coin and stamp museum, one of the main incomes of this country where each month a new set is distributed around the world for collectors and enthusiast. As we ascend the Alps from Brenner to St. Anton later in the day, at the other end of the mountain pass is Austria. The capital of the Tyrol Province – Innsbruck welcomes you. Surrounded by the awe inspiring Alpine mountains, often snow-capped in spring, Innsbruck is indeed a jewel in its own accord. The city hosted two winter Olympic games and has since never ceased to improve her status. Marvel at the 3500 pieces of gilded copper plates, also known as " the golden roof ", the Arch de Triumph; the Hofkirche mausoleum, the Hofburg Royal Palace built by Maria Theresa and a host of splendid Baroque buildings. Then we cross over the famous Austrian Europa Bridge, to recall the tragic incident to those who risked lives in creating this highest viaduct in Europe some 80 years ago. In the evening, we settle down in the old city of Verona.
69.00 euro City tax for Italy / Monaco / Austria
(Continental breakfast)
Day 5 Venice tour - Rome area (550 km)
Look forward to the romantic of Venice today as we disembark at Troncetto this morning, to take on one of the ferries for a short river-boat ride along the Guidca Canal. Getting off at St. Mark Square, made popular by the play from Shakespeare “the Merchant of Venice ", we meet our charming guide for a short walking tour around the St. Mark’s square itself – The Campanile; the Moors clock tower; the Grand Square that Napoleon loved so much, the St. Mark Basilica and the Doges Palace. Not forgetting the Winged Lion and statue of St. Mark nearby. Check out with the tour Manager for optional Gondola ride (6 persons to a Gondola, time to float along the canals to enjoy this romantic city from a different perspective). Later, wander on your own into the maze-like streets to discover the mysteries of this ancient Water city. Of course, how could we miss that iconic photo standing in front of the petite Bridge of Sigh? Having exhausted all your energy today, we then leave for hotel after a wonderful day in this unique city of water to the region of Roma Nord.
(Continental breakfast)
Day 6 Full day walking tour of Rome ( 150 km)
An early start to our Roman discovery for we have specially designed a route for an insight into one of Europe's earliest powers - the illustrious Roman Empire. It is a full day on foot, to tour the city. See: the ancient Roman Amphitheatre - the Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain, Piazza Venezia, Pantheon and the Monument of Victor Emmanuel II, regarded as the Father of Modern United Italy. Vatican City ,the smallest sovereign state in the world, walk through St. Peter's Square and time will be given for you to visit the inside of the St Peter’s Cathedral . Not to be missed is a place to bask in the Roman atmosphere, right in Navona Square. Here, Bernini's art live in perpetuity, displayed proudly in the centre is his “Fountain of four Rivers". For those with a sweet tooth, take this opportunity to taste Italy's famous Tatufu ice-cream (sequence of the walking tour to be decided by the tour manager).
(Continental breakfast)
第七天 佛罗伦萨、比萨、意大利海岸风景线、圣雷莫城(530公里)
Day 7 Florence - Pisa - Italian Riviera / San Remo (530 km)
Along the Highway of the Sun, we speed towards Florence. Florence's great historical and artistic treasure is exhibited not only in her monuments, her churches; her manor houses, but also in her water and her air. In fact the entire city exudes intoxicating artistic aroma that only by living here forever is the only solution to satisfy the real connoisseur of antiquity. Visit Florence old town for a walking trip to view the famous Saint Mary of the Flower Cathedral; The door of Paradise, Signoriatown Hall Square and the Old Bridge. In the afternoon, we arrive at Pisa and her leaning Tower. The old world wonder, the religious centre of this city owns three amazing monuments, completely decorated with white marble from the Carrara quarries, are certainly breadth stopping. This work of art is not only exhibited on its exquisite exterior, we beckon you to explore the Baptistery as well as the Cathedral, and you will be overwhelmed with awe by the intricacy of stone works. We then on the Italian autostrada, follow the coast line of the Italian Riviera, travelling pass the holiday region of Cinque Terrewhich made up of five isolated islands where inter-link only by way of boats, famous for the resort of the rich Italians at Portofino, Rapallo. Tonight we settle at Italian Riviera.
(Continental breakfast)
进入意法两国昔日边界,首当其冲往独立国,为摩纳哥小公国是也!首都又是一个富人云集,上流社会人物刷肩场地。我们俯瞰码头中的各大小白色游艇,有些还能让直升机下降其船顶,这的确是富豪天堂。不远便是小小首都的半岛,那里耸立皇宫,是当今皇族阿伯特国王皇宫所在;海洋博物馆;以及其天主堂。稍停片刻,半公里路程,进入法国地中海之- 蔚蓝海岸–「皇后城」尼斯欢迎您。得天独厚的天气,一年到头尽是艳阳高挂,羡煞不少天气常年恶劣的临近国人。先在英国绅士大道上逗游,海天一色,鹅卵石海滩上,阳伞下,一组组的红男绿女,涂抹避阳乳在烈阳下「烤」个痛快。续程途經普旺絲郡城鎮,夏天時候到處是香味撲鼻的燻衣草、向日葵等等的種植農場如﹕埃絲、阿爾、尼密等等。在十九世紀時代,吸引了不少著名印象派畫家,成為他們尋覓靈感,刻苦創作的臨時棲身之處。您聽過~~范皋、高岡、土魯絲拉特等大名嗎?不久,窗外出現兩道河流,此為法國著名大河~~商恩河『Shone River』與羅恩河『Rhone River』交界處,也是我們歇腳站之城。法国著名河谷区歇息一宿。
Day 8 San Remo - Monaco / Monte Carlo - Nice – Lyon / Rhone Alp region (540 km)
This morning, with a guaranteed glorious sunshine 360 days a year, we travel along the Riviera, to yet another tiny country, the Principality of Monaco is our first destination. A small independent state that is enclave within France, we are here to experience the life style of the multi-billionaire around the world. Make a stop at the world famous casino garden where you can view the World famous race track for Formula 1 y. View from here, the Royal Cathedral and Palace. Later at Côte d'Azur's (the blue coast), we come to the Queen of the French Riviera; the popular holiday destination of the English Aristocrats in the 19C. Enjoy the cool breeze as you sip your cafe or enjoy an ice cream amongst swaying palm trees and its leafy promenade. This is Nice, and it is nice to be here. Tour continues through the Provence region, we rest of feet in the township of Rhone Alp region near Lyon in the evening. (Continental breakfast)
北上,经过法国中南部的富饶区域。我们经过的庄严村落,如Beaune / Auxerre / Nemour名称犹如法国美酒陈列橱柜一般,每一个都有自家的名气。经过小镇Beaune郊区稍停,高速路有商店必定会销售当地区名酒或点心糖果,买些慰劳自己品尝一番或准备送亲戚好友的确是一件赏心乐事。当米饭飘香时,我们进入了晚间灯火时刻,今晚,何不报名参加塞纳河运河游览,或上法国餐厅来一个套餐品尝、后再进阶另一项红磨坊夜总会的香槟酒豪华歌舞的表演,将您的欧洲之旅提升到最刺激的高潮?
Day 9 Rhone Alps Lyon region –Paris(Versaillesarea) (480 km)
Travelling northwards pass by Lyon, located by the two great rivers that amalgamate here. The Rhone and Saone brings great wealth to the 2nd largest city of France and it is reflected on the grandeur of her stately buildings. Next, we travel through the Burgundy wine region, dotted with pretty villages such as Macon, Beaune, Auxerre, Nemourand we arrive into the capital well before dinner time.
For a night outing, may we suggest an optional Seine River boat ride to enjoy the evening; participate on a French dinner menu tasting optional; or reserving few seats at the Lido night club or the Moulin Rouge cabaretfor the spectacular stage performance, afterall, the night is always young in the city that never sleeps!
(Continental breakfast)
Day 10 Paris tour / Louvre and Versailles optional
After breakfast, our trusty coach is ready to show you first hand the most glamorous cities in the world. We see Notre Dame, one of the most beautiful churches in the world and a masterpiece of medieval art. The Arc de Triomphe, Champs-Elys'ees, Place de la Concorde, Trocadero Gardens, the Opera House and the Grande Dame of Paris - Eiffel. We shall also stop by the Golden Gate of Versailles Palace for your visiting pleasure on your own later in the morning. Entrance fee payable at the gate (Versailles closes on Mondays). The opulent palace first built in 1623, by Louise XIII - father of Louis XIV as his 'hunting lodge. The young king liked it so much that he soon had it enlarged. Today, one could view the splendour of about 20 apartments, such as the Queen's Bedchamber; the Hall of Mirrors; the king's 'Grand Apartment; the War and Peace room; the Chapel and more. Indeed it expresses the extravagant lifestyle of the French court at its height. Later a 2 hour visit to the Louvre (purchase your own ticket closes on Tuesday). Once the residence of the Royals, it is now the largest museum of antiquity in the world. Pick the cream of the exhibits in your whirlwind dash through the endless corridors and galleries, simply pick the musts see 3 ladies: the Venus de milo; the Wingless Victory of Samothrace ; and the world famous smiling lady “Mona Lisa” of course.We may still find time to visit the Galleries lafayatte department store for some fine shopping. Indeed this world class city has immense possibilities to fulfil all taste and desire! You only need to choose wisely. (Continental breakfast)